
We so appreciate your generosity!If you do not play golf or cannot attend the Golf Tournament this year, you can make donations on this site or via the mail please see below. Your donation to the Jennifer Farrell Endowment will provide scholarship funding for entering freshmen and deserving students at Clemson University.

To Donate by Mail Directly to the Scholarship:

Make Checks Payable to:
Clemson Fund
In memo line of check please write:
Jennifer Farrell Endowment

Mail donation to:
Clemson Fund
P.O. Box 1889
Clemson, SC 29633-9972

Product Image Item Name- Price
Thank you for your $1000.00 donation!

Thank you for your $1000.00 donation!

We appreciate your generosity!  This $1000.00 donation to the Jennifer Farrell Endowment will provide scholarship funding for entering freshmen...


Thank you for your $500.00 donation

Thank you for your $500.00 donation

We appreciate your generosity!  This $500.00 donation to the Jennifer Farrell Endowment will provide scholarship funding for entering freshmen and...


Thank you for your $250.00 donation!

Thank you for your $250.00 donation!

We appreciate your generosity!  This $250.00 donation to the Jennifer Farrell Endowment will provide scholarship funding for entering freshmen and...


Thank you for your $150.00 donation!

Thank you for your $150.00 donation!

We appreciate your generosity by making a $150.00 donation to the Jennifer Farrell Endowment for which funds a scholarship at Clemson University....


Thank you for your $100.00 donation!

Thank you for your $100.00 donation!

We appreciate your generosity!  This $100.00 donation to the Jennifer Farrell Endowment will provide scholarship funding for entering freshmen and...


Thank you for your $50.00 donation!

Thank you for your $50.00 donation!

We appreciate your generosity!  This $50.00 donation to the Jennifer Farrell Endowment will provide scholarship funding for entering freshmen and...


Thank you for your $25.00 donation!

Thank you for your $25.00 donation!

We appreciate your generosity!  This $25.00 donation to the Jennifer Farrell Endowment will provide scholarship funding for entering freshmen and...


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